American Roulette
Differences between American roulette and other variants
The history of American roulette started long ago as did many of popular gambling games, we will however not bore you with a history lesson. All you need to know that it was invented by Blaise Pascal.
Name that you may sometimes forget, but this wise man is the roulette wheel on which 38 boxes were numbered 1 to find the 36 and a zero and a double zero. He called American roulette. It was the first kind you could play for money. Currently, this play online roulette for money.
By the zero and double zero creates the casino a nice profit margin for itself, because if you bet on one box but you get 36x your bet and not 38x!
The casino always takes 5.4% and that’s really a huge home advantage for the casino, if you keep in mind that in European and French roulette only 2.7%.
The question remains why the casino at French Roulette and European Roulette then only 2.7% advantage? That question is simple to answer.
The European roulette wheel and the French have a lower box on the wheel and the payout is the same.
On the European and French roulette wheel you will find no double zero, so the casino takes a smaller margin and thus wins if one player is much more than French or European roulette at an American.
American roulette is the most unfavorable to play roulette variation in terms of odds.
Of course there are some gamblers who swear by American roulette because the numbers are distributed differently than the other wheel roulette variations.
In American roulette, each subsequent number is compared to its predecessor on the roulette wheel. So the two sit opposite the 1, 3 is opposite the 2, etc.
In French and European roulette strategy are random numbers distributed over the wheel. In the online roulette tables are the numbers the same split as in a real casino.